How are test questions selected for a specific course in AME?

Test questions for a specific course in AME are carefully curated to ensure they align with the course's learning objectives and materials. Here are the steps involved in the selection process:

  1. Access to Question Banks: Professors have access to question banks that are linked to their profiles. This ensures that they can select questions that are relevant to the course they are teaching.
  2. Alignment with Course Materials: The questions chosen from the question banks are designed to align with the textbooks and other learning materials used in the course.
  3. Creation of Tests: Professors can create tests by adding appropriate questions from the question bank that match the learning objectives of the course, to the test.
  4. Review and Adjustments: Before finalizing the test, professors have the opportunity to review the questions and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that they are an accurate reflection of the course content.